I've decided that I, way too often, come across really incredible things (be it websites, reality shows, etc) that literally hold the power to change the entire formula of this crazy, crazy world we all are a part of. I want to start sharing these with my 3 followers (one of which, sadly, is myself...). Before I get into my first rant, it should be known that whatever I write about, anything I mention with this immense power, I will always leave out one thing. This one thing is you. Because individuals can change so much through conversations, thoughts, insights, without even realizing it. So realize it!
I'm torn between two of the most powerful things that I've experienced that, through word of mouth, and deeper thinking, have the power to legitimately change so much about this place that are so, so very wrong. I ultimately decided to go with a website that I adore and have adored fr several years now. Silicone bracelets are sooo Lance Armstrong ball cancer but, I always wear a baby blue silicone bracelet, even though I may be breaking the rules of fashion (yeah, I don't know, just roll with me here...). My cultivate piece bracelet is more than just a hippie statement. It's a promotion for just a small part of a large website that is so practical, so innovative and so amazing, that once you're there, you will never have to go anywhere else to buy fantastic jewelry, used books, and even play addicting games. The Greater Good network speaks for itself but, I'll do some speaking about it myself. You can do something as little as click a link everyday (no strings) and feed a child. I think I was looking for a present for someone at one point and came across the hunger site (my favorite cause/sub-site in the network) when I came across pages and pages of jewelry made by people in countries that have been through the unthinkable. Once, I ordered a book off of amazon for like, a buck, and it came with a bookmark. Low and behold, buying that book donated a significant amount of money to literacy programs for our schools. Depending on the cause and what you're looking for the network itself helps feed the hungry (50 cents pays for a meal, a 20 dollar bracelet with real stones feeds 40 people), fund literacy programs, sends solar cookers for the women of Darfur (otherwise, the walk the take to feed their families will likely end in brutal rape and death), breast cancer research, animal shelters, etc. You can actually play games and watch how much money is going towards your cause.
In conclusion (I didn't even have the time to wrote this), I'm not even asking you to spend money, the sponsors of the network will do it for you. But, if you're looking for a book or a cute bag, a gift for someone, check it out before going to the mall. The mall is filled with disrespectful teenagers who dress inappropriately anyway...peace and love